AuthorsTri, V. P. D.
Trung, P. K.
Loi, N. T.
Ghosh, Surajit
Holmatov, Bunyod
Date Issued15/2/2024
Author affiliations Van Pham Dang Tri1, Phan Ky Trung1, Nguyen Tan Loi1, Surajit Ghosh2, and Bunyod Holmatov2 1 DRAGON-Mekong Institute, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam 2 International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka Files Download full publications in PDF Suggested citation Tri, V.P.D., Trung, P.K., Loi, N.T., Ghosh, S., and Holmatov, B. 2024. Green house gas emission assessment methods, data sources, and reporting process in Viet Nam. DRAGON-Mekong Institute, Can Tho University: Can Tho, Vietnam. CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (Mitigate+), 31 pp. © The copyright of this publication is held by DRAGON-Mekong Institute, Can Tho University. This work is licensed under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Acknowledgements This work was carried out with support from the CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (Mitigate+). We would like to thank all funders who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund. About the CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (Mitigate+) The CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems, also known as Mitigate+, focuses on reducing GHGE from food systems in target countries by 1.1 gigatons per year (6.5 percent) by 2030, thus mitigating the predicted impact of climate change on sustainable development and social equity. The approach is consistent with the Paris Agreement, which aims to foster low-emission development without negatively impacting food production. An estimated 8 million people will benefit from these reduced emissions and associated benefits over the Initiative’s 10-year lifespan. Learn more about Mitigate+ here: About the DRAGON-Mekong Institute The Research Institute for Climate Change, as known DRAGON-Mekong (Delta Research And Global Observation Network-Mekong) at Can Tho University serves as the central hub for organizing training, conducting scientific research, facilitating technology transfer, and exchanging knowledge with national and international institutions. It collaborates with universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, businesses, and local communities to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Disclaimer This publication has been prepared as an output of the CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (Mitigate+) and has not been independently peer-reviewed. Responsibility for editing, proofreading, layout, opinions expressed, and any possible errors lies with the authors and not the institutions involved. The boundaries and names shown, and the designations used on maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IWMI, CGIAR, our partner institutions, or donors. |
Green house gas emission assessment methods, data sources, and reporting process in Viet Nam
- Written by Phan Ky Trung
- Hits: 341