How is the climate changing? What are the societal impacts? What is the rate of change? To answer such questions and discuss many more, researchers, policy makers and private sector representatives met recently at an International Workshop on Climate Change.

 The main target of the workshop are:

-  to learn collaboratively about the country’s national/local policy on climate change responses/actions;

-  to learn collaboratively about best practice on climate adaptation research and responses;

-  to discuss ideas about up scaling and replication of the existing case studies as well as the ability to develop transferrable adaptation options; and

-  to discuss practical ways for integrating urban climate adaptation knowledge into the practise of sustainable urban planning and development

Results from the workshop will be develop to the final report and documentation of workshop outcome for AusAID and SEWPaC. The report will outline the lessons learnt to facilitate network development and collaborative learning among national/local makers and Reseachers in East Asian and Australian region for urban climate change adaptation.

Some news paper for this Workshop: