Community consultation meeting on the topic "Climate change adaptation in Ca Mau".
On April 16, 2024, the Ca Mau province Department of Agriculture and Rural Development collaborated with Can Tho University's Research Institute for Climate Change (DRAGON-Mekong) to hold a community consultation meeting in Thoi Binh district, Ca Mau province. The activity is part of the "Climate Change Adaptation in Ca Mau" project, which is a collaboration between the DRAGON-Mekong Institute and the Archer Daniels Midland Group (ADM).
The meeting's goal is to outline the objectives of establishing a monitoring and adapting community, as well as to agree on information requirements for training and means of transferring equipment to support the community.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Mekong Delta Development Research Institute - Can Tho University introduced the topic and discussed with the community

Drought and salinity intrusion on rivers in Thoi Binh district have increased and developed abruptly in recent years, causing agricultural damage and interfering with people's daily lives. It is critical to understand the obstacles that individuals face during the farming process, as well as the community's demand for monitoring technology. The initiative will include support actions to work with the community to solve the locality's present concerns.

By discussing and documenting the opinions and conversations of two communities in Tan Loc commune and Tri Phai commune of Thoi Binh district, it is recognized that salinity intrusion affects local residents, as well as difficulty in accessing early warning information. Therefore, they desire to acquire assistance with handheld salinity and pH meters, so that salinity data can be monitored and updated in real time. If this is accomplished, local communities will not only have more confidence in their agricultural production activities, but will also be more proactive in responding to changes in water quality.

Throughout the meeting, the project collected many information and feedback from the local community in Tri Phai commune and Tan Loc commune, Thoi Binh district, Ca Mau province. Support for technical equipment and training solutions for innovative agricultural techniques is critical, in order to assist producing households in responding proactively to farming and daily life processes.

Some pictures at the consultation meeting:

Community consultation in Tan Loc commune

Community consultation in Tri Phai commune

Recording people's opinions


People of Quyet Thang Cooperative take souvenir photos