Chuyên mục: XUẤT BẢN
Được đăng: 03 Tháng 11 2020
Lượt xem: 4152
Dinh Diep Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thanh Loc, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong, & Nguyen Hieu Trung . (2020). Assessing existing surface water supply sources in the Vietnamese Mekong delta: case study of Can Tho, Soc Trang, and Hau Giang provinces . Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering , 62 (4), 65–70.
Dinh Diep Anh Tuan , Bui Anh Thu, & Nguyen Hieu Trung . (2019). Assessing quality of surface water for urban water supply source for Soc Trang City . Can Tho University Journal of Science , 55 (4A), 61–70.
Giàu, V. T. N., Nguyen Hieu Trung , Trinh, N. N., & Vuong, T. H. (2019). Đánh giá hiện trạng nhu cầu dùng nước trên đoạn sông Cần Thơ. Natural Resouces and Environment Magazine , 12 (314), 42–44.
Le Thi Thuy Nhu, Nguyen Thuy Ha Anh, Dinh Thi Nhi, & Le Anh Tuan . (2019). Risks assessment on air pollution and community health due to charcoal furnaces in Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province. Can Tho University Journal of Science , 55 (2A), 44–51.
Nguyen Hieu Trung , Dang Kim Son, Phan Hoang Vu, Phan Chi Nguyen, Vuong Tan Huy, & Pham Thanh Vu. (2019). Effect of salinity intrusion and flood on land suitability for agricultural production potential in the Mekong Delta. Vietnam Soil Science , 56 (Special Issue: Land resources-Potential and development).
Nguyen Hong Thao, & Nguyen Hieu Trung . (2019). Using the Monte Carlo model to predict agricultural production areas for land use optimization . Can Tho University Journal of Science , 55 (Special isue: Environment and Climate Change), 164–174.
Nguyen Thanh Ngan, Dinh Diep Anh Tuan , Pham Thanh Vu, & Nguyen Hieu Trung. (2019). Application of GIS in building the geodatabase for supporting water supply management in the urban districts of Can Tho city . Can Tho University Journal of Science , 55 (Special issue: Environment and climate change), 77–84.
Nguyen Thao Hong, Nguyen Hieu Trung , Truong Chi Quang, Pham Thanh Vu, Phan Hoang Vu, Vuong Tuan Huy, & Dang Kim Son. (2019). Application of optimizing algorithm and allocation of agricultural land use in the Mekong Delta . Vietnam Soil Science , 57 (Special issue), 97–102.
Vo Thi Ngoc Giau, Nguyen Hieu Trung , & Tuyen, P. T. B. (2019a). Đánh giá biến động chất lượng nước mặt sông Cần Thơ giai đoạn 2010-2019 bằng phương pháp tính toán chỉ số chất lượng nước. Natural Resouces and Environment Magazine , 24 (326), 56–58.
Vo Thi Ngoc Giau, Nguyen Hieu Trung , & Tuyen, P. T. B. (2019b). Ứng dụng mô hình WEAP tính toán cân bằng nước sông Cần Thơ đến năm 2020 và 2050. Natural Resouces and Environment Magazine , 14 (316), 28–30.
Vo Thi Ngoc Giau, Phan Thi Bich Tuyen, & Nguyen Hieu Trung . (2019). Assessing surface water quality of Can Tho river in the period of 2010-2014 using water quality indicator (WQI). Can Tho University Journal of Science , 55 (Special issue: Environment and Climate Change), 105–113.